Sunday, November 2, 2008

outside reading #9

Today I read an article about the Minnesota Senate race.
The article, which was in the Star Tribune, was about the recent accusations that money was wired to Coleman's wife through business. The article says that a businessman names Nasser Kazeminy "steered" $75,000 from a company in Houston to a Minneapolis insurance company that employs Senator Coleman's wife. This accusation turned into a law suit that was filed on Monday.
Coleman says that this is "an 11th hour attack". He stats that Al Franken can make ugly smears at him, but is crossing the line when he brings the Coleman family into it. Franken claims that he or his campaign didn't do anything wrong. The Indepedent Party candidate Dean Barkley says that these accusations just prove how dirty this campaign has been. I have to say, I agree with Barkley. This campaign has been horrid. Every other commercial I see is a negative message about coleman or Franken. It is getting ridiculous if you ask me. Of course I prefer one candidate over the other, but this whole campaign has had a negative effect for both candidates. We all know the negative ads are a part of elections, but this race between Franken and Coleman has gotten out of hand. I will be so glad when Wednesday morning comes and there will be no more political ads.

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