Sunday, November 9, 2008

outside reading #11

I was reading the newspaper this morning and I came across an article about the Minnesota Senate race. In the article it stated that 32 absentee ballots were found. The Coleman campaign filed a lawsuit that questioned the truthfulness of these ballots. They think that this ballots were just filled out after November fourth. From my point of view I can see where the campaign is coming from. It is hard to believe that these 32 ballots just mysteriously just showed up. The Franken campaign says that it is only fair that these ballots are counted, otherwise we would be denying the right of those people to vote. A chief district court judge in Ramsey County came to the confirmation that the temporary restraining order on the ballots, wanted by the Coleman campaign, was not going to happen. It is very hard to know if these ballots were really filled out before November 4th or whether people filled them out after they heard that the race was to close to call. These ballots might change the outcome of this race, so I don't think that it is fair that the fate of the candidates lie in the hands of 32 ballots that were not counted on the day of the election.

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