Twilight by Stephanie Meyer is definitely my favorite book of all time. It is about a teenage girl named Bella, who moves to Forks to live with her dad and while she is there she meets an unexpected group of people. From the start Bella knows that there is something strange, but intriging about this group of students at school. She sits by one of these students in science and he gives of this aroma that makes you always want to be by him. As the year goes on Edward Cullen, who is her lab partner, saves her life several times. Bella wants to be with Edward, but he says its safer for her to not be with him. Bella doesn't understand why. Even though Edward thinks its dangerous for them to be together, they can't help how they feel. Bella soon figures out that Edward isn't human. Throughout the rest of the book, Bella and Edward come across road blocks that threaten their lives and Edward's secret.
I am sure almost every girl in class has read this book, but if you haven't you should. The suspense is never ending and the plot is full of events.
Has anyone read any of the other books in the series? If you have what did you think about them?
I love the Twilight Saga! but Bella moves to forks, not Alaska!
It sounds really good!
Great job with the detailed blog posts.
Maybe I'll have to read this book. Everyone says that it is such a good book.
i love this book! its really good!
Twilight is my favorite besides Breaking Dawn!! The movie comes out sometime in November so keep a look out for that!
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