1. It allows you to express yourself
2. It is unique (there are no rules and it keeps changing)
3. It has its place all around the world.
http://www.quotegarden.com/music.html (for the next two quotes)
If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music. ~Gustav Mahler
This quote is saying that music is a way to express things that can't be expressed by words. It is saying that somethings are so hard to say that music is a way to just let your feelings and thoughts be shown to the world. This quote is saying that music is like a best friend who understands anything you say, even though it might not make any sense to anyone else. Music is something that is within you and that you can express yourself with.
A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~Leopold Stokowski
This quote showed me that music has no restrictions. Music doesn't have any boundaries, like painting where you must paint on a canvas or some type of surface. This quote showed me that music comes from the heart and allows you to express what you are feeling at any point in your life. This quote shows that musicians are not confined to certain rules and regulations, they are able to create their own original artworks without having to restrict their feelings because of rules.

This picture of the different ipods just shows how music has progressed. Music went from radios and records and it has evolved into portable music players like the ipod. This just shows that music is appreciated by so many people that it has been the goal of many to create music players that are more technologically advanced and will allow more music to be listened to. Since there are so many different types of music, people have their own reason to try and create a better way to listen to music.

This chart shows that there are so many different types of music. This chart showed me that people express themselves in different ways and that those different ways translate into different genres of music. The variety of genres allows people to express different emotions or events that have happened in their lives. Since people can express so many emotions, it makes music such an easy and popular way to share your problems and/or triumphs with others.
"I cared about music long before I cared about literature," James Merrill remarked in 1968. In fact, he knew exactly the point he began caring about music: when he was eleven-years-old, he was taken for the first time to the Metropolitan Opera House. The impact on his aesthetic education was immediate, profound, and endured throughout his career as a poet. His work is filled with references to music, both high and low. An operatic emotional intensity and keen attention to the musical textures of language via sophisticated metrical effects are consistently apparent in his poetry."
This quote from an article I read proves how music is an expression of peoples emotions. It just proves that in an ordinary person's life, they can feel the emotion that is overflowing within the music. You don't have to be a musician or an expert on music to know and feel the emotions that come from the music. The feelings that come from the music can have such a lasting impact on you that you will never forget how you felt at the moment that you first heard the song.
(The link would not work so if you go to You Tube and type in Biko, it is the first video)
Last year we watched a movie about Biko, who was a man from South Africa who was fighting for equality. This song just goes to show for one how people can express there thoughts through music, but also it shows that music is a worldly thing. This song shows that music is a part of almost every culture on the planet. Music can express struggles of one person or a group of people and this song does both. It is in honor of Biko, who gave his life fighting for equality, but it is also about the struggle of the majority of the black Africans in South Africa at the time.
http://www.musiclessonsondvd.com/famous-quotes-about-music/ (for quote)
My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.
Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)
This quote, said by Martin Luther, shows that since music has no rules and can show so much emotion, it can help people get through difficult times in their lives. Music can comfort people because people can relate to the emotions being expressed in the song. The song makes people fell like they are not alone in their problems. This quote also shows that music has been around for a long time. Since music has been around for so long, it has changed and has developed more of a variety.
(The link wouldn't work so if you go to You Tube and type in South Africa Zulu Tribal Welcome Song you will be able to see it)
This video is of a South African welcome song. This shows how music is different throughout the world. It also shows that the sound of the music may be different, but the meaning is similar to some of the songs we hear in our society today. This song is about welcoming people and we have songs that are about welcoming people into our lives.
This project showed me that a hero doesn't have to be a person or a group it can be actions or words, like music. Music is such an influential thing and that is what being a hero is all about. Music allows people to express their emotions, which might make them feel better along with comforting others with their words. The fact that music has no rules makes it so that everyone can have it as a hero. The free spirit of music allows everyone to enjoy some type of it. Music has changed throughout the years. From how it is played to the type of music, it has changed and that just shows how much it allows people to express themselves. Music is not just a hero for people here in the United States, but it is a hero for people all over the world. The types of music throughout the world may be different, but it provides the same sense of expression everywhere. Music is a hero that we can constantly rely on.
i learned that music is international and you can understand it in any language.
I learned that you don't have to be a human to be a hero, a hero can be a thing, like music. I also learned that being a hero means that you know how to communicate and express your inner feelings and emotions through an activity you find suitable.
I learned that even doing something as small as writing a song can make you a hero to someone else.
I learned that to be a hero you could just be passionate about something you do, like writting music. Music can be inspirational and helpful to many people and if you just write about something you are passionate about,or if you passion is writting music, you can be a hero to someone else. Music is very powerful and can be analyzed in many ways.
I learned that being a music hero helps people express themselves through songs.
I learned musicians can be hero's because they can help even others express themselves and be unique.
I learned that music is a huge hero that affects everyone around us even internationally. It helps people express themselves and there are many different kinds of music.
I learned that heroes are experssive, they can express themselves through music. I also learned music is an important outlet and form of communication for many people
Outstanding hero box. I loved all of your analysis.
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