National polls tighten a bit; Obama hangs in to lead in battlegrounds:
Today I read an article about the polls in the 2008 election. The article stated that McCain is gaining ground on Obama. Obama had an 8 point lead on Saturday, but according to the Rear Clear Politics National poll average, it has decreased to 5.9. Another poll, Rasmussen poll, says that Obama is ahead by only 3 points. The Reuters/Zogby/C-SPAN poll says that since last week Obama has gone from a 12 point lead to a 5 point lead. The Gallup poll stats that Obama has a three point lead, unlike his 7 point lead from last week.
This article taught me a few things. First of all, it showed me that all polls are different. We can't really tell which candidate is ahead until we get the actual votes. Polls might comfort some voters, but scare others. The truth is, polls don't really matter. What matters is going a making your vote count.
This article also showed me that anything can happen during an election. Throughout all of September and October, many people have thought that Obama is going to win the election and become the next president, but this just goes to show that nothing is for certain. You can't count another person out, in this case McCain, until the election is over.
I think that a close race is more interesting, rather then having one candidate win by a landslide. Of course I am happy to see this poll because I am a McCain supporter, but none the less, both candidates have the right to fight to the end.
Both McCain and Obama are fighting for what they believe in so all that is left to say is, it is in our hands. We decide who is our next president, these polls don't decide for us and neither does the media (don't even get me started on the media. Can you say BIASED?!). Anyways, elections are very important and they are never over until all of the votes have been counted on November 4th.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Outside Reading Assignment #7
I read another chapter in New Moon by Stephanie Mater (pg. 159-181)
" I'd come full circle, and now everything felt like an echo-an empty echo, devoid of the interest it used to have" (Meyer 167). This quote shows how Bella's life is turning out to be just like last year when she first came to Forks.
In this chapter Bella spends a lot of time at Jacob's while he is finishing the bikes, but she also has other things going in in her life. At work she talks with Mike a lot and he begins to like her again just like he did last year, but also like last year, Bella likes someone else. Instead of Edward, this year it is Jacob. Bella and Mike decide to just be friends. As Bella thinks about how her life right now is very similar to last year, she decides to go to Edward's house. When she gets their it is completely abandoned and she can't stand to even go inside of it. Later in the week, Jake finishes the bikes and the two set out to practice riding them. On their way to go practice, they notice four guys jumping off of a cliff. Bella freaks out, but Jake tells her that they are just cliff diving and that people do it all of the time, but Jake seems a little mad after this incident. Bella asks him what is wrong. He finally tells her how one of the guys that was on the cliff, named Sam, is the leader of this group in La Push. Jake doesn't like this group and they keep bothering him and treating him differently. He also mentions how his friend Embry had missed school for a couple of weeks and now he is back and he is hanging out with Sam's group and refuses to talk to Jacob. The two know there is something strange going on, but can't figure it out.
The quote is completely true. Last year Bella was new and Mike was the only one that would talk with her. Mike really liked Bella, but she turned him down for Edward. Also she found Edward and fell in love with him. If you think about, it is almost exactly like what is going on now. Mike is the only one that talks to Bella. Mike still likes Bella, but she turns him down for someone else. That someone else would be Jacob, who she is beginning to REALLY like.
" I'd come full circle, and now everything felt like an echo-an empty echo, devoid of the interest it used to have" (Meyer 167). This quote shows how Bella's life is turning out to be just like last year when she first came to Forks.
In this chapter Bella spends a lot of time at Jacob's while he is finishing the bikes, but she also has other things going in in her life. At work she talks with Mike a lot and he begins to like her again just like he did last year, but also like last year, Bella likes someone else. Instead of Edward, this year it is Jacob. Bella and Mike decide to just be friends. As Bella thinks about how her life right now is very similar to last year, she decides to go to Edward's house. When she gets their it is completely abandoned and she can't stand to even go inside of it. Later in the week, Jake finishes the bikes and the two set out to practice riding them. On their way to go practice, they notice four guys jumping off of a cliff. Bella freaks out, but Jake tells her that they are just cliff diving and that people do it all of the time, but Jake seems a little mad after this incident. Bella asks him what is wrong. He finally tells her how one of the guys that was on the cliff, named Sam, is the leader of this group in La Push. Jake doesn't like this group and they keep bothering him and treating him differently. He also mentions how his friend Embry had missed school for a couple of weeks and now he is back and he is hanging out with Sam's group and refuses to talk to Jacob. The two know there is something strange going on, but can't figure it out.
The quote is completely true. Last year Bella was new and Mike was the only one that would talk with her. Mike really liked Bella, but she turned him down for Edward. Also she found Edward and fell in love with him. If you think about, it is almost exactly like what is going on now. Mike is the only one that talks to Bella. Mike still likes Bella, but she turns him down for someone else. That someone else would be Jacob, who she is beginning to REALLY like.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Outside Reading Assignment #6
I continued with New Moon by Stephanie Meyer (p. 137-159)
"... I was going to see Jacob again today. The thought made me feel... hopeful (Meyer 143). This quote shows how Bella is moving on with her life, even though Edward is gone. In this chapter that I read, Bella is spending her time at Jacob's house where she is watching him fix the motorcycles that she had gotten previously. Bella meets Jacob's two best friends, Quil and Embry, who are both intrigued when they see Bella at Jacob's. Charlie is pleased to hear that Bella is going to spend more time with Jacob because he wants her to get out and enjoy life. The next day Bella and Jacob drive around talking for two hours on their way to get parts for the bikes. When they return, they continue to work on the bikes and are later surprised by Charlie being at Jacob's house. When Bella and Jacob come to Charlie holding hands, Charlie smiles because he thinks that Bella and Jacob really like each other. Bella eats dinner at Jacob's house and finds that she doesn't want to leave because she is having such a good time, but decides she will see him again tomorrow. At school the next day Bella, who has been quiet since Edward left, breaks out and joins the conversation at the lunch table. She ends up talking to Angela and Mike, but Jessica and Lauren still don't like her.
This quote shows that Bella has hope for the future. It shows that Bella is looking forward instead of looking in her past, meaning Edward. This is very good for her because she needs to move on with her life and find new meaning. This quote also shows that Bella might have a connection with Jacob. It isn't the same connection that she had with Edward, but it is just as strong and meaningful if not more.
"... I was going to see Jacob again today. The thought made me feel... hopeful (Meyer 143). This quote shows how Bella is moving on with her life, even though Edward is gone. In this chapter that I read, Bella is spending her time at Jacob's house where she is watching him fix the motorcycles that she had gotten previously. Bella meets Jacob's two best friends, Quil and Embry, who are both intrigued when they see Bella at Jacob's. Charlie is pleased to hear that Bella is going to spend more time with Jacob because he wants her to get out and enjoy life. The next day Bella and Jacob drive around talking for two hours on their way to get parts for the bikes. When they return, they continue to work on the bikes and are later surprised by Charlie being at Jacob's house. When Bella and Jacob come to Charlie holding hands, Charlie smiles because he thinks that Bella and Jacob really like each other. Bella eats dinner at Jacob's house and finds that she doesn't want to leave because she is having such a good time, but decides she will see him again tomorrow. At school the next day Bella, who has been quiet since Edward left, breaks out and joins the conversation at the lunch table. She ends up talking to Angela and Mike, but Jessica and Lauren still don't like her.
This quote shows that Bella has hope for the future. It shows that Bella is looking forward instead of looking in her past, meaning Edward. This is very good for her because she needs to move on with her life and find new meaning. This quote also shows that Bella might have a connection with Jacob. It isn't the same connection that she had with Edward, but it is just as strong and meaningful if not more.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Musical Heroes
I chose to do my project about musicians and how they effect our daily lives and what impact music has on our thoughts and choices. Music is a hero for so many people for the following reasons:
1. It allows you to express yourself
2. It is unique (there are no rules and it keeps changing)
3. It has its place all around the world. (for the next two quotes)
If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music. ~Gustav Mahler
This quote is saying that music is a way to express things that can't be expressed by words. It is saying that somethings are so hard to say that music is a way to just let your feelings and thoughts be shown to the world. This quote is saying that music is like a best friend who understands anything you say, even though it might not make any sense to anyone else. Music is something that is within you and that you can express yourself with.
A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~Leopold Stokowski
This quote showed me that music has no restrictions. Music doesn't have any boundaries, like painting where you must paint on a canvas or some type of surface. This quote showed me that music comes from the heart and allows you to express what you are feeling at any point in your life. This quote shows that musicians are not confined to certain rules and regulations, they are able to create their own original artworks without having to restrict their feelings because of rules.

This picture of the different ipods just shows how music has progressed. Music went from radios and records and it has evolved into portable music players like the ipod. This just shows that music is appreciated by so many people that it has been the goal of many to create music players that are more technologically advanced and will allow more music to be listened to. Since there are so many different types of music, people have their own reason to try and create a better way to listen to music.

This chart shows that there are so many different types of music. This chart showed me that people express themselves in different ways and that those different ways translate into different genres of music. The variety of genres allows people to express different emotions or events that have happened in their lives. Since people can express so many emotions, it makes music such an easy and popular way to share your problems and/or triumphs with others."
"I cared about music long before I cared about literature," James Merrill remarked in 1968. In fact, he knew exactly the point he began caring about music: when he was eleven-years-old, he was taken for the first time to the Metropolitan Opera House. The impact on his aesthetic education was immediate, profound, and endured throughout his career as a poet. His work is filled with references to music, both high and low. An operatic emotional intensity and keen attention to the musical textures of language via sophisticated metrical effects are consistently apparent in his poetry."
This quote from an article I read proves how music is an expression of peoples emotions. It just proves that in an ordinary person's life, they can feel the emotion that is overflowing within the music. You don't have to be a musician or an expert on music to know and feel the emotions that come from the music. The feelings that come from the music can have such a lasting impact on you that you will never forget how you felt at the moment that you first heard the song.
(The link would not work so if you go to You Tube and type in Biko, it is the first video)
Last year we watched a movie about Biko, who was a man from South Africa who was fighting for equality. This song just goes to show for one how people can express there thoughts through music, but also it shows that music is a worldly thing. This song shows that music is a part of almost every culture on the planet. Music can express struggles of one person or a group of people and this song does both. It is in honor of Biko, who gave his life fighting for equality, but it is also about the struggle of the majority of the black Africans in South Africa at the time. (for quote)
My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.
Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)
This quote, said by Martin Luther, shows that since music has no rules and can show so much emotion, it can help people get through difficult times in their lives. Music can comfort people because people can relate to the emotions being expressed in the song. The song makes people fell like they are not alone in their problems. This quote also shows that music has been around for a long time. Since music has been around for so long, it has changed and has developed more of a variety.
(The link wouldn't work so if you go to You Tube and type in South Africa Zulu Tribal Welcome Song you will be able to see it)
This video is of a South African welcome song. This shows how music is different throughout the world. It also shows that the sound of the music may be different, but the meaning is similar to some of the songs we hear in our society today. This song is about welcoming people and we have songs that are about welcoming people into our lives.
This project showed me that a hero doesn't have to be a person or a group it can be actions or words, like music. Music is such an influential thing and that is what being a hero is all about. Music allows people to express their emotions, which might make them feel better along with comforting others with their words. The fact that music has no rules makes it so that everyone can have it as a hero. The free spirit of music allows everyone to enjoy some type of it. Music has changed throughout the years. From how it is played to the type of music, it has changed and that just shows how much it allows people to express themselves. Music is not just a hero for people here in the United States, but it is a hero for people all over the world. The types of music throughout the world may be different, but it provides the same sense of expression everywhere. Music is a hero that we can constantly rely on.
1. It allows you to express yourself
2. It is unique (there are no rules and it keeps changing)
3. It has its place all around the world. (for the next two quotes)
If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music. ~Gustav Mahler
This quote is saying that music is a way to express things that can't be expressed by words. It is saying that somethings are so hard to say that music is a way to just let your feelings and thoughts be shown to the world. This quote is saying that music is like a best friend who understands anything you say, even though it might not make any sense to anyone else. Music is something that is within you and that you can express yourself with.
A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~Leopold Stokowski
This quote showed me that music has no restrictions. Music doesn't have any boundaries, like painting where you must paint on a canvas or some type of surface. This quote showed me that music comes from the heart and allows you to express what you are feeling at any point in your life. This quote shows that musicians are not confined to certain rules and regulations, they are able to create their own original artworks without having to restrict their feelings because of rules.

This picture of the different ipods just shows how music has progressed. Music went from radios and records and it has evolved into portable music players like the ipod. This just shows that music is appreciated by so many people that it has been the goal of many to create music players that are more technologically advanced and will allow more music to be listened to. Since there are so many different types of music, people have their own reason to try and create a better way to listen to music.

This chart shows that there are so many different types of music. This chart showed me that people express themselves in different ways and that those different ways translate into different genres of music. The variety of genres allows people to express different emotions or events that have happened in their lives. Since people can express so many emotions, it makes music such an easy and popular way to share your problems and/or triumphs with others."
"I cared about music long before I cared about literature," James Merrill remarked in 1968. In fact, he knew exactly the point he began caring about music: when he was eleven-years-old, he was taken for the first time to the Metropolitan Opera House. The impact on his aesthetic education was immediate, profound, and endured throughout his career as a poet. His work is filled with references to music, both high and low. An operatic emotional intensity and keen attention to the musical textures of language via sophisticated metrical effects are consistently apparent in his poetry."
This quote from an article I read proves how music is an expression of peoples emotions. It just proves that in an ordinary person's life, they can feel the emotion that is overflowing within the music. You don't have to be a musician or an expert on music to know and feel the emotions that come from the music. The feelings that come from the music can have such a lasting impact on you that you will never forget how you felt at the moment that you first heard the song.
(The link would not work so if you go to You Tube and type in Biko, it is the first video)
Last year we watched a movie about Biko, who was a man from South Africa who was fighting for equality. This song just goes to show for one how people can express there thoughts through music, but also it shows that music is a worldly thing. This song shows that music is a part of almost every culture on the planet. Music can express struggles of one person or a group of people and this song does both. It is in honor of Biko, who gave his life fighting for equality, but it is also about the struggle of the majority of the black Africans in South Africa at the time. (for quote)
My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.
Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)
This quote, said by Martin Luther, shows that since music has no rules and can show so much emotion, it can help people get through difficult times in their lives. Music can comfort people because people can relate to the emotions being expressed in the song. The song makes people fell like they are not alone in their problems. This quote also shows that music has been around for a long time. Since music has been around for so long, it has changed and has developed more of a variety.
(The link wouldn't work so if you go to You Tube and type in South Africa Zulu Tribal Welcome Song you will be able to see it)
This video is of a South African welcome song. This shows how music is different throughout the world. It also shows that the sound of the music may be different, but the meaning is similar to some of the songs we hear in our society today. This song is about welcoming people and we have songs that are about welcoming people into our lives.
This project showed me that a hero doesn't have to be a person or a group it can be actions or words, like music. Music is such an influential thing and that is what being a hero is all about. Music allows people to express their emotions, which might make them feel better along with comforting others with their words. The fact that music has no rules makes it so that everyone can have it as a hero. The free spirit of music allows everyone to enjoy some type of it. Music has changed throughout the years. From how it is played to the type of music, it has changed and that just shows how much it allows people to express themselves. Music is not just a hero for people here in the United States, but it is a hero for people all over the world. The types of music throughout the world may be different, but it provides the same sense of expression everywhere. Music is a hero that we can constantly rely on.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Outside Reading Assignment #5
This weekend I read my gym book (Fitness for Life by Charles B. Corbin and Ruth Lindsey).
The section that I was reading was about health conditions. The section started out talking about hypokinetic diseases and conditions, which are caused by a lack of physical activity. One of theses conditions was cardiovascular disease, which has been the leading cause of death in the United States since 1900 except for one year. This section also talks about atherosclerosis which is when certain substances including fats build up on the inside walls of the arteries. Arteries are used to carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. When to much of a substance is on your artery walls, the blood supply to your heart is cut off and a heart attack occurs. Atherosclerosis can also cause a stroke, which is when blood supply is cut off to your brain. High blood pressure or hypertension is also a contributor to stroke, heart attack, and kidney damage.
This section also talks about cancer which is when uncontrolled cells invade normal cells, steal their nutrition, and interfere with the normal cell function. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S, right behind cardiovascular disease. Diabetes, Type II, is also a hypokinetic condition. Diabetes is when a person's body can't regulate the sugar level in the body. Diabetes can lead to damage of the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, and eyes. It may also cause a coma or death if the level of sugar in the blood is extremely high. Two other hypokinetic conditions are obesity ( when a person has a high percentage of body fat) and osteoporosis (when the bones deteriorates and weaken).
The last thing that this section talks about is hyperkinetic conditions, which are health problems caused by too much physical activity. This includes overworking injuries, which can cause your bones, muscles, or other tissues to be damaged. These conditions also include activity neurosis, which is when people are overly concerned about getting enough exercise and are upset if they miss a regular workout. The last hyperkinetic condition that was brought up in this section was eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia.
This section showed the effects of not enough physical activity and too much. You need to find a balance between physical activity and relaxation in order to stay healthy.
The section that I was reading was about health conditions. The section started out talking about hypokinetic diseases and conditions, which are caused by a lack of physical activity. One of theses conditions was cardiovascular disease, which has been the leading cause of death in the United States since 1900 except for one year. This section also talks about atherosclerosis which is when certain substances including fats build up on the inside walls of the arteries. Arteries are used to carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. When to much of a substance is on your artery walls, the blood supply to your heart is cut off and a heart attack occurs. Atherosclerosis can also cause a stroke, which is when blood supply is cut off to your brain. High blood pressure or hypertension is also a contributor to stroke, heart attack, and kidney damage.
This section also talks about cancer which is when uncontrolled cells invade normal cells, steal their nutrition, and interfere with the normal cell function. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S, right behind cardiovascular disease. Diabetes, Type II, is also a hypokinetic condition. Diabetes is when a person's body can't regulate the sugar level in the body. Diabetes can lead to damage of the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, and eyes. It may also cause a coma or death if the level of sugar in the blood is extremely high. Two other hypokinetic conditions are obesity ( when a person has a high percentage of body fat) and osteoporosis (when the bones deteriorates and weaken).
The last thing that this section talks about is hyperkinetic conditions, which are health problems caused by too much physical activity. This includes overworking injuries, which can cause your bones, muscles, or other tissues to be damaged. These conditions also include activity neurosis, which is when people are overly concerned about getting enough exercise and are upset if they miss a regular workout. The last hyperkinetic condition that was brought up in this section was eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia.
This section showed the effects of not enough physical activity and too much. You need to find a balance between physical activity and relaxation in order to stay healthy.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Outside Reading Assignment #4
I am have continued to read New Moon by Stephanie Meyer (p. 120-136)
"It clicked together for me then. I wanted to be stupid and reckless, and I wanted to break promises" (Meyer 127). This quote explains Bella's emotions in this chapter. Throughout the chapter Bella wonders why she keeps promises. Lets face it, she made promises to Edward, but now he is gone, so what's the point in staying true to those promises. She also made promises to her father, but after all that has happened to her, she doesn't care if she breaks those promises.
Bella makes a promise to Edward, right before he leaves, saying that she will not be stupid. She also makes a promise to her father that she will never ride a motorcycle. Well, Bella decides to break both of those promises. As she is driving home from work, Bella sees two motorcycles in the Markses' yard. She asks if she can buy them, but it turns out that she gets them for free. The first step to her reckless behavior is completed, but the motorcycles do not run, so she decides to go to Jacob Black to get help to fix them up. Jacob is an old friend that has always had a crush on Bella and of course is willing to help her fix the bikes. Bella and Jacob take the bikes out of her truck, so that Jacob's dad, Billy, doesn't see them (Billy is good friends with Bella's dad). To pay for the repairs of the bikes, Bella decides to take money out of her college fund. She decides that she wants to stay in Forks, so why not use the money for something else.
Bella's actions reflect her feelings for Edward. Since Edward left, Bella has felt deserted and lonely, so she decides that she needs to do something to show that she doesn't miss Edward. She is trying to do something that will distract her from the pain of Edward's abandonment.
"It clicked together for me then. I wanted to be stupid and reckless, and I wanted to break promises" (Meyer 127). This quote explains Bella's emotions in this chapter. Throughout the chapter Bella wonders why she keeps promises. Lets face it, she made promises to Edward, but now he is gone, so what's the point in staying true to those promises. She also made promises to her father, but after all that has happened to her, she doesn't care if she breaks those promises.
Bella makes a promise to Edward, right before he leaves, saying that she will not be stupid. She also makes a promise to her father that she will never ride a motorcycle. Well, Bella decides to break both of those promises. As she is driving home from work, Bella sees two motorcycles in the Markses' yard. She asks if she can buy them, but it turns out that she gets them for free. The first step to her reckless behavior is completed, but the motorcycles do not run, so she decides to go to Jacob Black to get help to fix them up. Jacob is an old friend that has always had a crush on Bella and of course is willing to help her fix the bikes. Bella and Jacob take the bikes out of her truck, so that Jacob's dad, Billy, doesn't see them (Billy is good friends with Bella's dad). To pay for the repairs of the bikes, Bella decides to take money out of her college fund. She decides that she wants to stay in Forks, so why not use the money for something else.
Bella's actions reflect her feelings for Edward. Since Edward left, Bella has felt deserted and lonely, so she decides that she needs to do something to show that she doesn't miss Edward. She is trying to do something that will distract her from the pain of Edward's abandonment.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Outside Reading Assignment #3
I am still reading New Moon by Stephanie Meyer (p.93-120).
"Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget; it was a hard line to walk" (Meyer 117). This quote symbolizes what went on in the chapter that I read. The chapter was about Bella and the following months after her beloved Edward left her. She has been very depressed and her father Charlie has become very concerned. He confronts her one morning and tells her that he would like to send her to live with her mom Renee because living in Forks reminds her to much of Edward. Bella refuses. She claims that it would mess everything up because it is her last semester in high school and she needs to finish it. The conversation ends with Bella storming out of the house and into a angry mood.
At school Bella decides that she will ask a girl from her class named Jessica if she wants to go to a movie. She hopes this will get Charlie off of her back about being depressed and not wanting to do anything. Jessica is quite surprised when Bella talks to her because they haven't talked since Bella and Edward starting going out, but she says yes anyway.
At the movie Bella has a hard time because it starts out with a boyfriend and girlfriend and she can't help but think of Edward. She has to leave several times throughout the movie, but finally it ends. The two girls then go to McDonald's for dinner. On their walk to the restaurant, Bella sees a group of older men outside a bar. She thinks she recognizes one of them from the previous year when she was almost killed. As she gets closer to the men, she feels like she should stop. As she inches closer she hears Edward's voice telling her to stop and go back to Jessica. Bella knows he is right, but she wants to hear his voice again, so she keeps going. She finally realizes that she needs to stop and so she goes back with Jessica.
The quote has a lot to do with this situation. Bella knows that when she hears or remembers Edward's voice it hurts her inside, but she is so terrified that she will forget if she doesn't remember it. Bella has a hard time with this and spends the rest of the night trying to think about what it would be like if she forgot something about Edward.
"Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget; it was a hard line to walk" (Meyer 117). This quote symbolizes what went on in the chapter that I read. The chapter was about Bella and the following months after her beloved Edward left her. She has been very depressed and her father Charlie has become very concerned. He confronts her one morning and tells her that he would like to send her to live with her mom Renee because living in Forks reminds her to much of Edward. Bella refuses. She claims that it would mess everything up because it is her last semester in high school and she needs to finish it. The conversation ends with Bella storming out of the house and into a angry mood.
At school Bella decides that she will ask a girl from her class named Jessica if she wants to go to a movie. She hopes this will get Charlie off of her back about being depressed and not wanting to do anything. Jessica is quite surprised when Bella talks to her because they haven't talked since Bella and Edward starting going out, but she says yes anyway.
At the movie Bella has a hard time because it starts out with a boyfriend and girlfriend and she can't help but think of Edward. She has to leave several times throughout the movie, but finally it ends. The two girls then go to McDonald's for dinner. On their walk to the restaurant, Bella sees a group of older men outside a bar. She thinks she recognizes one of them from the previous year when she was almost killed. As she gets closer to the men, she feels like she should stop. As she inches closer she hears Edward's voice telling her to stop and go back to Jessica. Bella knows he is right, but she wants to hear his voice again, so she keeps going. She finally realizes that she needs to stop and so she goes back with Jessica.
The quote has a lot to do with this situation. Bella knows that when she hears or remembers Edward's voice it hurts her inside, but she is so terrified that she will forget if she doesn't remember it. Bella has a hard time with this and spends the rest of the night trying to think about what it would be like if she forgot something about Edward.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Outside Reading Assignment #2
I am still reading New Moon by Stephanie Meyer (p. 53-84).
"It will be as if I'd never existed, he'd promised me" (Meyer 84). This quote is at the very end of the reading that I did and is an incite to what this section was about. As I have written in previous posts, Edward and Bella are boyfriend and girlfriend who are in love. Their relationship is difficult because Edward belongs to a family of vampires and is a vampire himself. In this section Edward starts to feel that he can no longer be with Bella. He feels that them being together is no longer in Bella's best interest, so he decides to leave. He comes to this conclusion because, like I said in my last post, Edward's brother Jasper attacks Bella and cuts her arm very badly. Edward realizes that he doesn't want Bella to get hurt and the only way that he can make sure of that is if he and his family leave Forks. He does end of leaving, but after he does, bella tries to follow him through the woods. She ends up getting lost and spends the whole night on the forest floor. She is found the next morning by one of the people of the search team that was made to find her.
In the quote it explains that Edward claims that it will be like he never existed. Bella knows she will never forget him. Edward on the other hand wants her to move on, so he literally takes action about erasing himself from her memories. Edward takes all of the pictures from Bella's scrapbook, so that she will not be able to look at him and dwell on what they had together. Bella doesn't want to forget him, but she realizes that Edward wants her to forget him.
"It will be as if I'd never existed, he'd promised me" (Meyer 84). This quote is at the very end of the reading that I did and is an incite to what this section was about. As I have written in previous posts, Edward and Bella are boyfriend and girlfriend who are in love. Their relationship is difficult because Edward belongs to a family of vampires and is a vampire himself. In this section Edward starts to feel that he can no longer be with Bella. He feels that them being together is no longer in Bella's best interest, so he decides to leave. He comes to this conclusion because, like I said in my last post, Edward's brother Jasper attacks Bella and cuts her arm very badly. Edward realizes that he doesn't want Bella to get hurt and the only way that he can make sure of that is if he and his family leave Forks. He does end of leaving, but after he does, bella tries to follow him through the woods. She ends up getting lost and spends the whole night on the forest floor. She is found the next morning by one of the people of the search team that was made to find her.
In the quote it explains that Edward claims that it will be like he never existed. Bella knows she will never forget him. Edward on the other hand wants her to move on, so he literally takes action about erasing himself from her memories. Edward takes all of the pictures from Bella's scrapbook, so that she will not be able to look at him and dwell on what they had together. Bella doesn't want to forget him, but she realizes that Edward wants her to forget him.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Outside Reading Assignment #1
I am currently reading the book New Moon by Stephanie Meyer (p. 30-52).
"Edward's face was whiter than bone as he wheeled to crouch over me, taking a clearly defensive position. A low growl slid from between his clenched teeth" (Meyer 30). This quote is taking place right after Bella, the main character, cuts open her arm and blood is gushing all over the floor. Edward's brother, Jasper, is trying to attack Bella because he cant resist the smell of her blood. This quote shows that Edward is willing to die for Bella. He is willing to do anything and everything in his power to make sure that she is safe. This quote proves the fact that Edward and Bella, even though their situation is not normal and is extremely hard on them, is worth it because they love each other. Edward has always had a hard time being around Bella because he has to resist the sensation to attack her for her blood, but he is doing everything he can to be strong. Edward's family believes that Bella is the best thing that has ever happened to him and they don't want anything bad to happen to her, so they are all very protective of her.
As this scene goes on Jasper is controlled and he feels horrible about his lack of self control. Bella gets her arm stitched up by Carlisle, Edward's father, and is taken home by Edward. The love and dedication that Edward has for Bella really comes out in this quote.
"Edward's face was whiter than bone as he wheeled to crouch over me, taking a clearly defensive position. A low growl slid from between his clenched teeth" (Meyer 30). This quote is taking place right after Bella, the main character, cuts open her arm and blood is gushing all over the floor. Edward's brother, Jasper, is trying to attack Bella because he cant resist the smell of her blood. This quote shows that Edward is willing to die for Bella. He is willing to do anything and everything in his power to make sure that she is safe. This quote proves the fact that Edward and Bella, even though their situation is not normal and is extremely hard on them, is worth it because they love each other. Edward has always had a hard time being around Bella because he has to resist the sensation to attack her for her blood, but he is doing everything he can to be strong. Edward's family believes that Bella is the best thing that has ever happened to him and they don't want anything bad to happen to her, so they are all very protective of her.
As this scene goes on Jasper is controlled and he feels horrible about his lack of self control. Bella gets her arm stitched up by Carlisle, Edward's father, and is taken home by Edward. The love and dedication that Edward has for Bella really comes out in this quote.
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