Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I read an article about Halloween today.
The article was about how recently kids have not been trick-or-treating. Instead they have been trunk-or-treating. The kids go around to peoples cars instead of going around to houses. Suburban communities are starting to do this. The parents are really happy about this because it takes way the risk factor of trick-or-treating. The kids are getting candy in a safe place like a church parking lot or somewhere their parents ca watch them. This way the kids don't have to deal with older kids playing tricks or people that could want to hurt them. I think that this is an interesting idea. It is definitely safer for younger children and it is helpful because little kids get tires from walking around. If they are just walking around a parking lot, they won get as tired and of they do t get tired the can just get in their car and go home. This way of trick-or-treating is very beneficial to little kids and their parents because it is much safer and more convenient for everyone.

Santos, Fernanda. "Trunk or Treat! Halloween Tailgating Grows." New York Times. (2006

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